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Yes! I'd like to add "No Warning: Surviving the first 72 hours" to my order for $9.99

The first 72 hours are the most crucial time during any crisis. As people grasp what's happening, the life or death race for supplies begins. Humans are far worse than anything nature can throw at us in times of hardship.

In desperate times, "civilized" people will turn on each other for table scraps. This is where "No Warning - Surviving the First 72 Hours" comes into play. Written by Austin Murphy, former marine scout and sniper, survival coach and father of three, this book will be your secret weapon in ANY crisis... practically, an unfair advantage over the desperate masses!

65% discount only available with your purchase of "Dark Horizons"

Yes! I'd like to add "No Warning: The First 90 Days" & "No Warning: The Year After" to my order for $9.99

The sequel to the best selling "No Warning: Surviving the First 72 Hours" written by Austin Murphy, these two preparedness packed guidebooks are designed to give you and your family and edge on surviving a crisis whether it lasts a few months, to a few years, and even beyond.

You'll be given the survival roadmap of what to do... no matter if you find yourself in suburbia, a rural town, hunkering down in a friend or fmaily member's home. We'll even show you the unconventional tactics of developing supply caches, building out your bug-out kit, and finding shelter if you're on the moce.

65% discount only available with your purchase of "Dark Horizons"

Yes! I'd like to add "Secrets to Sanitization after SHTF" to my order for $9.99


The horryfing truth is that bacteria and microbes that generate disease are responsible for the lion's share of deaths after a disaster. "Secrets of Sanitization after SHTF" you will learn how to keep your family safe from invisible and devastating threats.

You will discover how to be safe from diseases by using survival techniques to dispose of potentially harmful waste and garbage and how to efficiently use limited hygiene supplies to maximize their effectiveness. You will also discover how to prioritize hygiene needs during a disaster.

Valuable resources must always be kept from high priority sanitization needs and not squandered on petty ones.

65% discount only available with your purchase of "Dark Horizons" 

Yes! I'd like to add "Patriot Home Defense" to my order for $9.99


In a violent world, unconventional methods are proven to be way more effective, easier to put in place, and more affordable. This book has been created based on the experiences of dozens of fmilies living in war-torn countries that defended their homes and warded off mobs with words and, if neededm unconventional self-defense methods.

The good news is that you can learn from experiences of people who have had to deal with this their whole life. Go through this one-of-a-kind crash course on home defense, and you will be the only one in your neighborhood who has the answers when all hell breaks loose.

You will discover how to approach the most dangerous times in our recent history from a place of confidence and inner calm, so you sleep well and maintain your focus.

65% discount only available with your purchase of "Dark Horizons"

Dark Horizons: Prepared To Thrive + Bonus Books

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